Sunday, October 7, 2007

A Complete Joke in Lincoln

41-6. Choke on that for a while. The first time since 1947 that the vaunted Missouri Tigers have held Nebraska without a TD. Progress, yes.

Husker fans, the joke's on you. The wool got pulled over your eyes by a couple of the biggest snake-oil salesmen this side of Siberia. Steve Pederson and Bill Callahan have sold a bill of goods to Nebraska fans, media members and of course, five-star recruits. Well guess what? The gig is up. Its actually been up for a long time but most of us were just too brainwashed to actually understand it. The team has no identity. No toughness. No will. No desire. No "team first" mentality. The Nebraska team is simply a bunch of individuals running out on the field, looking out for their own interests. And on top of that, we're a confused and gutless team, which no doubt stems from Bill Callahan and Kevin Cosgrove's "thinking man" schemes.

On offense, we can't block, we can't run and we can usually put up some okay passing numbers on the likes of Nevada. Progress. The mark of an offensive genius.

Makes me want to play this video (too bad Callahan doesn't have the balls to reprimand his team and staff in public):

Our OL is simply a wreck. Lydon Murtha looks like he should be attending the Chatham school for women's luncheon instead of suiting up for Nebraska. Carl Nicks is maybe the most overhyped OL in school history. We're just horrendous at nearly everything on the OL. Maybe its because our stupid zone blocking schemes call for keeping opposing DL standing instead of pancaking them to the ground or chop blocking ike the Denver Broncos and nearly every other team that runs that scheme does.

The defense currently ranks 96th in the country in total defense allowing a total of nearly 441 yards and 6 yards per carry. Kevin Cosgrove could be the most worthless defensive coordinator anywhere in college football history. What made anyone think this bozo would be any good at Nebraska, when he was nearly run out of Wisconsin on a rail? But of course, he's Callahan's best buddy so he gets a free pass. Its highway robbery and criminal that this man continues to have a job after 3.5 years of pure garbage he's fed us. Hey Callahan, get a clue dipshit. Send Cosgrove's ass out like Mike Leach did to his coordinator after they got 600 yards hung up on them against Oklahoma State. One thing is for sure-if you or I did our jobs like Cosgrove does his, we wouldn't have a job anymore. If we managed a group of employees that performed this poorly, our company would be out of business. Cosgrove, you're a freaking embarrassment and you should hang up your college coaching shoes and do something more creative-like maybe coaching JV at Norfolk Catholic High School. Just go away!!

I've had enough

After watching perhaps the most embarrassing loss in Nebraska football history last night-a 41-6 pasting at the hands of the overrated Missouri Tigers and their pansy of a coach Gary Pinkel-I've seen enough. My goals going forward are to remove the current football administration at the University of Nebraska through a grassroots effort from the fans. I am a graduate of the University of Nebraska. During my four years in Lincoln, I witnessed three national championships and one of the most successful runs in college football history. I am embarrassed like no other as to what this once proud program has become and I will not sit idly by and watch it any longer.

As fans of the Huskers, this is our program. Its not Steve Pederson or his egos. Its not our phony of a coach, Bill Callahan. Its not his dogshit defensive coordinator Kevin Cosgrove or many other worthless assistants. There apparently is not enough money to buy out the contract of Bill Callahan right now, due to our jackass of an athletic director giving him a contract extension before he did ANYTHING of worthiness. We can however, afford to remove Steve Pederson and buy him out of his current contract.

The problems within the football program are enormous and too numerous and mind numbing to cover right now. Suffice to say, only a complete removal of the current administration from Pederson on down, is going to get us back on the road to success. Therefore, we need to understand that in order to expedite the process, the fans are going to have to do some uncharacteristic work. We will have to go lower and step back before we can move forward.

The grassroots effort will need to consist of the following tactics:

-Removing Steve Pederson first and foremost. Write letters to the University. Make constant calls. Send emails to everyone associated with the program calling for Steve's resignation. There is already some work underway by those behind the scenes to remove him of his duties. But we can always help out.

-Speak with your wallet. Refuse to buy any Husker merchandise. Refuse to buy tickets. Let the University know this is how it will be until change happens. Refuse to buy any PPV events, like this weekend's Oklahoma State game.

-Remember the infamous New Orleans 'Aints? If you do go to a game, embarrass the University by wearing creatively designed paper bags on your head, signifying your extreme displeasure at the current trainwreck in Lincoln.

-Boo loudly. Make your voice heard. Remember, if you want the program to move forward from this abysmal mess, you're going to have to sacrifice some integrity.

-Yell at the coaches. Hurl ephitats at them when you see them-they certainly deserve it. They're robbing the University and athletic department of millions of dollars without any return on our investment.

-Make sure your voice is heard on local media outlets. Whether that be Sports Nightly, ESPN 1620, Big Sports 590, the Omaha World Herald (, Big Red Wrapup on NET, the Lincoln Journal Star etc.

-In general, we need to make sure the University gets publicly embarrassed to force any changes. One person won't get a change to happen. But as a group, we can. Let your friends know of this site and we can come up with more creative ways to further our cause. Like I said, I'm not taking this crap any longer. I will do whatever I have to do to remove the frauds in power at the University.